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3 Steps For Crafting an Effective Ransomware Recovery Plan

Ransomware is a consistent threat to enterprises of all sizes, and there are many types of ransomware threat actors can use to infect organizations.

That’s why it’s crucial to have the right ransomware recovery plan in place.

Below, we’ll discuss what should be included in your ransomware recovery plan and what to do in the wake of a cyber attack.


How Does Ransomware Work?

Ransomware is a type of malware threat actors use to encrypt a target’s files or systems, holding access to them for large sums of money. The average cost of a ransom during a ransomware attack in 2024 has been reported to exceed $1.4 million.

With the right steps added to your ransomware recovery plan, you’re less likely to be on the hook for paying an expensive ransom to retrieve your data in the event of an attack.


3 Steps To Implementing Your Ransomware Data Recovery Plan

1. Utilize Backups

A backup is a copy of your data and systems that can replace damaged or stolen data in the event of an incident.

Data backups are crucial to ransomware recovery plans since they help mitigate downtime and prevent complete data loss. We recommend having several of the following backups to best prevent ransomware from completely compromising your data:

Alternatively, there is the option of backup as a service (BaaS), which puts the burden of manual data backup and recovery into the hands of a professional cybersecurity vendor.


2. Create a Company-Wide Incident Response Playbook

Incident response playbooks establish processes for responding to specific incidents, such as ransomware attacks.

Developing an organizational incident response playbook for different ransomware attacks is crucial for identifying and reacting quickly and correctly during a ransomware attack.

Your incident response playbook should consist of:

  • Identified potential attack vectors and vulnerabilities in your cybersecurity.
  • Logged incident data and any remediation tactics used in the past.
  • Consistent cybersecurity training and practice for ransomware data recovery.


3. Layer Your Cybersecurity Defenses

Consider adding multiple layers of defense to your organization’s data, such as:

  • Multifactor or two-factor authentication.
  • Frequent password changes across your entire enterprise.
  • Various authorizations and accessibility across accounts.

Adding multiple layers of defense not only helps prevent ransomware attacks from occurring in the first place but also helps contain the ransomware attack and mitigate how far it spreads across your enterprise.


Should You Ever Pay the Ransom?

While you may feel the pressure to pay the ransom, the first step you should take is to contact your local authorities and report the attack to relevant government agencies, such as the FBI, CISA, or the U.S. Secret Service.

After doing that, you should know that even if you pay the ransom, there’s no guarantee that you’ll get your data back or that the threat actor won’t keep a copy of that data for future ransoms, data leaks, or launch other cyber attacks.

While the decision is yours to make, the risks of paying the ransom are highly dangerous. This is another reason why you should have a professional team of cybersecurity experts on standby, ready to help recover your data and help prevent future cyber attacks.


The Ultimate Guide To Ransomware Recovery

While preventing every lurking cyber attack is impossible, taking a proactive approach to your ransomware data recovery plan is the best way to minimize potential damage while not tanking your enterprise’s reputation or finances.

Tec-Refresh understands this and has created a guide for helping organizations just like yours ensure every aspect of their cybersecurity is prepared to handle and recover from various types of ransomware attacks.

For a head start against threats, get your free Ransomware Recovery Checklist today.