By partnering with Rubrik, we’ve been able to provide enterprise-class technology services to smaller and mid-tier organizations.
We use Rubrik’s technology to help customers move from tape storage to cloud storage which can be used for backup, disaster recovery, testing, and development. By moving to the cloud, our customers have been able to reduce their data center usage and reduces total cost of ownership by 50-75%.
Many of our customers operate in regulated industries and have stringent retention policy requirements. Cory Holmes, our Technical Account Manager, says,
Not only does Rubrik help accelerate HIPAA and PCI compliance for our healthcare and financial services customers, their integration with Azure and AWS Government Cloud also give our SLED customers peace of mind. The security of end-to-end encryption both in-transit and at-rest makes data management for ourselves and our customers less error-prone and more verified.
Because of Rubrik’s simplicity, our customers are able to reallocate full-time IT staff to more critical projects, and they no longer need to invest in administrators with technical expertise in backup.
Another major benefit to our customers has been reducing the allowable amount of data loss (RPO) from 24 to 4 hours, and reducing the time to restore business operations (RTO) from 4 hours to 5 minutes.